Jul 8, 2024

Autodidact Series Part 1: Intrinsic value of learning

Learning is the cornerstone of professional growth. The more you learn, the more valuable you become. It reflects in your portfolio, your communication, and your ways of working. Exposure to new ideas breeds humility, as you begin to grasp the vastness of what you don't know.

Degrees from universities serve as proof of your investment of time, energy, and money into a structured specialization. Your performance indicates your level of dedication.

We pursue degrees for four main reasons:

  1. Striving for mastery

  2. Earning better paychecks

  3. Taking on greater responsibilities

  4. Working with bigger brands

But does this framework apply to designers? Key questions to consider:

  1. Is the investment of time, energy, effort, and money into a degree worthwhile?

  2. If yes, what degree do you want to earn and from where?

  3. What specialization will help you carve out your niche in the future?

To make this decision, evaluate the components of this composite equation:

Degree/Bootcamp = Time + Money + Peer Group + Professors + Industry Exposure + Modality (Virtual/In-Person) + Network+ Placements + Structure/Curriculum + Specializations

Assess each component based on your personal priorities. Remember, a degree is just one small factor in your career growth - at best, it's a foot in the door.

In Part 2, we'll explore alternative paths to a traditional degree. Stay tuned!