Feb 24, 2024
Action > Knowledge
Action is far better than knowledge.
We all know how to be healthy and stay healthy to some extent. Atleast a few things like eat less, move more, rest well, avoid junk, take less stress etc. But doing what we know is hard work. In a nutshell, BEING healthy is harder than knowing health.
A bunch of us embarked on a journey of health on 15 October 2023 and here we are today. We all got the same knowledge with the same intensity but whoever applied the knowledge reaped the benefits.
Sensibowl is not a silver bullet but a potent bullet that truly works. Here is the proof 🤓
I started #pifo to make all our maker lives better. Betterment is just not reading, writing, learning, speaking, mentorship, belonging etc. physical and mental health is a very big part of the holistic well-being. In our times, metabolic health especially is becoming an epidemic. Our doctors, nutritionists, physical trainers don’t have time for this. Probably it is time for designers and behavioral scientists to jump in and help our kind. Sensibowl is my small attempt to help a handful of people get healthy in their busy schedules. If I just wrote a book and threw it in the sea of books, then I would doing the same thing like our doctors and nutritionists. Doing the right thing everyday, teaching them the right things, holding them accountable, crying with them, laughing with them is where the secret of results lie. My intent with Sensibowl is to help 1% of the makers to get better mentally physically and emotionally. More the merrier ofcourse 😉
We will focus on the metabolic health as main effect and we don’t mind many beautiful side effects like weight loss, renewed energy levels, more focus, great friendships and more.