Jul 28, 2024
From Spark to Flywheel: The hashtag #pifotalks Journey
What began as an impulsive idea with Vipasha has blossomed into #pifotalks, a vibrant initiative for our community. Initially skeptical, I was swept up by Vipasha's persistence and energy. Her dedication turned our brainstorming into action, setting the flywheel in motion.
Viphasha didn’t just stop at her talk. She carried the momentum and connected me with potential speakers. That is how the momentum grew as we connected with inspiring speakers like Arjun Prakash discussing careers and pivots.
Trusting my instincts, I mapped out an 8-month plan for Season 1, transforming skepticism into enthusiasm.
Evolution is key. I’ve shifted focus to make each topic the hero, offering a series of valuable nuggets beyond just talks. Our mission? To freely share knowledge, pay it forward and inspire learning. It's not just about information—it's about sparking action.
As we wrap up our exploration of storytelling and influence with our one and only Rimjhim. I'm excited to continue this monthly journey of giving and growth with our community experts.
That is a wrap on storytelling and influence.
Jobs 2007 keynote, a masterclass in storytelling deconstructed: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/skarthi_pifotalks-pifo-pifotalks-activity-7219909306521989120-w_FV
Understanding influence - top 10 takeaways from Cialdini’s Influence: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/skarthi_pifotalks-pifo-pifotalks-activity-7220286038198431745-M01-
Curated book list on storytelling & influence: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/skarthi_pifotalks-pifo-pifotalks-activity-7221358056587108352-d0fq
Top 20 curated Ted talks on storytelling & influence: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/skarthi_pifotalks-pifo-pifotalks-activity-7221854136030445568-BVLT
Why sync is conducive for learning: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/skarthi_pifotalks-pifo-pifotalks-activity-7222208987973238784-14tf
22 rules of storytelling by Emma Coats: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/skarthi_22-rules-of-storytelling-by-emma-coats-activity-7222620978307063809-Ww7_
#pifotalks with Rimjhim: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/skarthi_pifotalks-pifo-pifotalks-activity-7219547687480643584-Agvu
Thank you for tuning in. You could have done so many things on a weekend but you chose to listen to us. That means a lot. The engagement yesterday blew our minds. The DMs thereafter was very heart warming. I am glad you found the discussion useful 🫶
Here's to building #pifotalks into a significant asset for our community!