Jan 27, 2025
Less is More
Can you believe we're already a month into the new year? You probably started with a hundred aspirations, fifty possibilities, twenty must-dos, but realistically, you'll accomplish two. Why? Time is our most precious, limited resource.
The concept of a time budget revolutionized my approach. I allocate hours annually: 100 for Netflix+, 200 for Pilates etc. You get the drift.
With only 8,760 hours this year, ideally 3,000 for rest, that leaves about 5,000+ to divide between work and life.
My strategy? Focus on one, maybe two, key areas yearly.
This year, it's all about setting a sustainable lifestyle. I'm betting this single focus will reshape my future.
What's your one big focus this year? Remember, less is more when it comes to meaningful change.