Building anything that matters needs focused persistence. It happens drip by drip. Don’t be swayed by that one success, that one post which went viral, that one talk which gave you a 24 hour fame, that one meeting which went awesome. It is easy to get people excited for sometime but continuing the excitement is hard.
It is human to keep looking for novelty. Yesterday’s awesome becomes a new normal. Keeping up the new normal is a lot of hard work. It takes phenomenal clarity to not be taken over by short term boosters.
It is also human to be skeptical. To keep wondering what is the intent behind this move vs that move. For all you know it is the path of the other individual and there is no agenda per say.
It is human to be subjectively judgemental. You are under radar at all times. You are judged at all times. One word here and one word there, people will break the internet in your name. That is how it is because that is how we are built. We can’t be disturbed by human-ness.
Building something that matters needs something much more powerful that just human-ness. To look beyond the subjectivity, personal agenda, skepticism, need for novelty, emotions, success and failure we need keep moving forward, one drop at a time.