between a blog vs an essay vs an article 🤔
Here is what you need to know:
An essay is a piece of writing that describes, analyzes and evaluates a certain topic or an issue . It is a brief, concise form of writing that contains an introduction, a body that is comprised of few support paragraphs, and a conclusion. An essay may inform the reader, maintain an argument, analyse an issue or elaborate on a concept. An essay is structured in format and subjective in nature.
An article is a piece of writing that informs the readers about a certain topic or a concept. It is an elaborate form of writing that is comprised of headings and sub-headings. An article can be found in magazines, encyclopedias, websites, newspapers or other publications. Articles are very objective in nature. Depending on the medium the structure varies.
A blog contains many pieces of writing that shares a perspective or expresses an opinion of the writer. Most blogs are informal, and many are very personal. The audience are entertained and engaged while reading the writer's personal thoughts on a topic. There are no rules or guidelines around how a blog should be structured. Blogs can also be updated and edited at any time.
The sequence, format, tonality, purpose, rules may vary among all keeping the written word common among all.
🥂 to written word!