My new found obsession is extracting wisdom from the series/movies.
I recently watched the last avatar season 1 Netflix. Here are a few nuggets that resonated with me.
We don’t have to be afraid of our pain. We just need to decide what we are gonna do about it.
Don’t make it less than what it is.
Your heart. That is what sets you apart. That is what makes you a warrior.
Stop thinking about what you need and start thinking about what is best for them.
I get to decide who I am. No one else gets to decide.
Sense? Who is talking sense? Go kick his ass.
This is the past. The only one person who can write your future is you. So stop worrying about the past and start thinking about what you still have to do.
You are the fire in which my iron was forged.
This ain’t a sad thing. It is worth a risk to be alive even if it for one night.
You don’t have to be a warrior to be a hero.
Change is the key to new life. You reminded me of that.
If you are tired. Go rest. The man needs his rest.
Learning is everywhere. When one looks for it, it appears even in series and movies. What else should we add to this my friends?