It is women’s day today! I am reminded by Ola, Centro and Marks & Spencer with coupons and offers 🤪
Thank you Ola for the flat 10% discount on selected rides before March 10th 🤨 Post March 10 no one wants to celebrate the woman I am 😛 Just kidding!
I am glad we have come here. There is volition for equality, inclusion, upliftment and diversity. The glass is truly half-full.
Today let’s talk about the half-empty part. It is 💔 but a great reminder.
I participated in a leadership mixer in November 2023. I met a lot of industry friends there.
Like all mixers, we started our coffee gossip aka Kaffeeklatsch in German and many interesting facts got touched upon. It is a safe space so we opened our hearts.
A male friend made an interesting unintentional comment in the flow: “she got hired on diversity quota”. Another male friend added, “she just got promoted on diversity basis”. They included me in the group as one of them, so they didn’t hold back their feelings. I appreciate it. But what was unsaid hit me like a ton of bricks.
I wanted to cry out loud saying, we don’t want Women’s day, Mother’s Day, WIT hire, divorce petition rights, seat at the table …
Despite working hard, becoming competent, doubling down and making progress, the credit goes to our genitals and not our brain. That is sad. But I am grateful for the folks who keep reminding us, we have a long way to go and not to be distracted by the Choti Soch as Urban Company nailed it in their new ad. If you haven’t see the ad, you must. I am pinning it in the first comment.
Thank you for the coupons. Thank you for the true celebrations and thank you for reminding us that we still have a long way to go. We will keep trying our best 😉