I started a project Design U just to express complex concepts in simple ways. I was throughly impressed by Jack Butcher's Twitter feed and wanted to try my hands.
This intent of the project Design U is multifold:
ransform the reader's thought process about designing themselves consciously.
communicating a complex idea is possible. If i can talk about hyper connections of dot into simple visuals, you will be able to communicate anything.
personally i want to get over this imposter that i am not a visual designer and visuals belong only to that tribe.
use it as a creative gym everyday, consistently to workout the creative muscles (verbal and visuals)
compression of a big idea into a less than one min read.
get feedback from interested audience so that i can write my book better.
convert the saw dust of reading and synthesising so much into snack-able nuggets.
set boundaries and work within (spend only 10 mins a day on this project for next 100 days).
When you do a project there are outcomes for sure. I didn't know it can surprises too. The surprise of Design U is, i am getting questions around these big ideas and the answers are deeply connected at many levels. I could not fit the answers into the Design U project so i started writing more here these days. I love this side effect. It is a double dhamaka in many ways.
Doing is so powerful.
Actions define who you are.
What are you doing now that is making a better U for tomorrow?