Idea to Reality
Three years ago when I started Xperian as a Maker's Ecosystem, I knew from day one this is a huge vision and it is impossible for me and team to accomplish this lifetime. Nevertheless I took it upon me to get started. As a first step I had to extend my brain's capability to handle more information coming from all corners. I was super excited about this idea of managing my knowledge. I called this project as My Brain Vault.
I made my own brain vault based on first principles and started using the same to remember, manage, remix and do more with knowledge. I even shared some snippets with my students as a meta framework. I kept the project private to me as it was a tool I created for my efficiency and I had no intention to bring to the public.
This week, we revisited the brain vault. We decided to make it available for makers in our Guild as all of us are having similar problems now. As a team we took it upon us to build it as a system as a part of THE PAD initiative of the guild. Super exciting because some of the most curious minds are working along with me on this project. In next 90 days, you will hear about the launch. Super pumped 🎉
Curious Cat to Copy Cat
This week I am reading 10 Commandments Of A-List Copywriters. I realised the key skill needed as a value communicator is copy writing. In the design world what the graphical user interface does, is what words do in the world of marketing and yet we are not taught copywriting in our d-schools and b-schools.
Being a part of Keystone Accelerator by Billy Broas made me take a deep dive into the copywriting world. I am still learning the basics of copywriting. It has been fascinating to me thus far as the world of design and copy are no different just the elements and properties are different. A fabulous book and must be read by every maker out there.

Curiosity >> Competence
From 1st March I took up the responsibility to build our Guild. As a full time community builder, I am learning how to make the most of our time together as a community. A few ideas have popped and we are testing their potency now.
We started with "Caring about Curiosity". A simple technique that makes us listen to our curious selves and asking a curious question that is bugging us from the moment we woke up. The question is shared and anyone who has a POV can answer. Everyday questions are different and I am thrilled to be kindled.
We started sharing our thoughts around it and already an amazing bank of CQs are building up in our guild. So far we have about 10+ questions answered in just one week as alogs (audio logs).
A sample screenshot here...

It has been a productive week at my end. I am doing things I have never done before. I am picking up community building, value communication and coaching. All three roles are new to me and I am nervous about it. Also thrilled at the same time. Shall share more as I learn more.
How has yours been my friends?
Until next week,
K 🎉