May 22, 2020

Minimal to Maximal

Intellectually appreciating a concept is one thing and experientially living the concept is totally another thing.

The recent times of lockdown has made me think about one such concept that i have been dabbling for over 3 years now. It is about minimalism.

I am big fan of zero cognitive load. On that light I eased my wardrobe to just one type of clothing, very few colors and brought it to just one shelf from seven. I want it to become just 10 pieces but seems a little far away. Still working on that.

I skipped breakfast all together and started having my first meal as lunch. In all honesty that is the best decision I ever took and it launched my body into intermittent fasting with out me knowing about these things.

While I have been working around the concept of minimalism for the past 3 years, the virus came like a jolt and changed everything from its roots in just 3 months. Here are some things which became minimal forcefully.

  • I didn't step out of house so I hardly drove around and consumed gas. I haven't filled the tank in 60 days. My general consumption is a full tank (40 L) every week.

  • I hardly used any of my Guccis and Burberrys.

  • I didn't wear any of my expensive watches.

  • I didn't spend any on recreational eating and entertainment.

  • I didn't buy any new clothing at all.

  • The only spend is on fruits, veggies and groceries.

  • I get to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner at home with kids and family every single time.

  • I get to prune my garden every single day.

  • I am forced to clean and declutter home every other day.

Here are my insights from this experience.

  • Minimal spend = maximal savings

  • minimal eating (clean & healthy) = maximal health and wellness

  • minimal chemicals = maximal skin health

  • minimal time on other things = maximal quality time with family

  • minimal travel = maximal deep work

I finally understood what is minimalism in its true sense. In many ways i am thankful to the virus, which allowed me to pause and reflect. If we just go by what is needed, we will all have beautiful lives and a beautiful planet. Everything that we do for others can take a back seat.

The minimalism in material has created maximalism in life!