Exec visits are special. I learn a great deal whenever I meet someone who has seen it all in that altitude.
I had the pleasure of interacting with Srini Tallapragada this week with a bunch of women leaders and what an enriching experience it has been 🫶
A few authentic takeaways that are etched in my heart & mind forever:
[On Identity] Basic Identity is you are an executive who happens to be a woman. It is not the other way around. Identity is hard to change and is self limiting, so set your basics right.
[On Bias] Almost all managers want to be successful. They want their directs to be successful. Assume great intent. Be reflective. Don’t assume workplace bias. But, when you see someone truly biased raise the issue, give feedback so that we can course correct.
[On Mentorship] Your best mentor is your boss. They understand your context and situation better. Be situation specific and ask for advice.
As a mentor, give tactical help and advice. Help people in their context practically.
[On imposter] As you grow in the ladder, you will battle your own insecurities and imposters. It is a mind game. Know that everyone is figuring it out. No one knows it fully.
I am not ok. You are not ok and that is ok - Srini 😂
[On focus] What you focus your mind on, magnifies. That is the nature of our brain. Put a premium on performance. Set a high benchmark. Pay it forward. Rest will take care of itself.
[On personal branding] Your primary job as an executive is to execute. Work doesn’t speak by itself. You must give the necessary visibility. The side effect of doing it well builds your personal brand. Not the other way around. Don’t index on branding at the expense of performance.
[On Sponsors] Be that person, people depend on for getting anything done. That will open more doors.
[On role models] Representation matters. If the person in front of you can do it, you can do it too. At the same time, don’t get trapped in the role model. Keep breaking ground while helping folks.
I loved the simplicity, clarity and honesty in the advice. I am sharing it here so that more women and women leaders in our fraternity can absorb the big ideas.
Happy advanced Women’s day folks 🫶