Very few times you love what you write and this is one of them for me!
Debasmita Das reached out to me for her Women's day series. In 2024, I wanted to talk to my 24 year self and share 24 things I wish I knew before. Here they are for you to ponder...
24 things I wish I knew when I was 24.
Life evolves. In this evolution, change is the only constant. Sometimes we evolve in days, sometimes in weeks, and sometimes in years. Be patient and allow the evolution to happen. Try not to stand in the way.
Life is a trendline. The sporadic data points around the trendline can distract you immensely. Watch out.
In this life, YOU matter. You matter more than anyone else in your life. It hurts to say this loud but it is what it is.
Between the absolute and relative self, get committed to the absolute, and get inspired by the relative.
If not a hell yeah, it is a no. Cut losses ruthlessly.
Don’t deliberately make a career path. There is no such thing. When you do what you love every single day, work becomes play, and the career path forms by itself.
Living on extremes is easy. Staying in the middle path is hard. Balance is wisdom.
Who matters a lot more than how. Focus on the who.
Read and write every day. No excuses.
There is no success or failure. There is only learning.
Days are long. Decades are short.
Travel inward more than traveling outward.
Learn to stand on the shoulders of the giants and see the world. The view is different.
You will be tempted to do it all by yourself. Don’t give in.
Smile is the best jewellery you can wear all the time. It keeps you and your environment sane.
Take one day at a time. Every day is anew. Every day is afresh. Mindfully start and end the day.
Learning does not happen while learning. Learning happens in reflections. Learn a lot.
Life is complex by itself. We don’t have to complicate it further. Make simple rules for yourself and follow through. Simplicity is sophisticated.
It is better to walk alone than with a crowd that is going in the wrong direction. Trust your instincts.
Ask for help. Ask for advice. Ask for perspectives. If you don’t ask the answer is always a no.
Value yourself. If you don’t value yourself who else will?
Listen to your body. It knows what it wants. Don’t stand in the way.
Get better at identifying signals and noise. Cut the noise. Double down on signals.
Run your life on cadence. Make 80% of your life repetitive. That is the only way to be creative.