Intentional Productivity

My direct messages (DMs) everywhere are overwhelming.

Every day, I receive over 100 DMs with requests for one-on-one time, referrals, opportunities, speaker invitations etc. I strive for inbox zero, and I dislike not responding to someone who has taken the time to write to me. However, achieving "inbox zero" is often unrealistic.

This issue lingered in my mind for the past three years until I found a solution in 2024. I solve problems with systems, which keeps me grounded and allows me to genuinely and respectfully connect with my community.

For example: I used to nap on weekend afternoons, but in 2024, I replaced this habit with my "OPEN HOURS" initiative. This is a dedicated hour during which I connect with two people each week. I manage this through my Cal dot com account, which allows me to reschedule during busy weeks.

I also created a simple database for collecting portfolios and resumes for folks interested in Salesforce design positions. With the help of my partner in crime, Mahiee, we review this database when a relevant position opens up, allowing candidates to expedite the application process.

In 2024, I planned my calendar in advance, including release cycles, vacations, travels, festivities, and PIFO activities. This overview helps me gauge how much free time I truly have and mindfully decline commitments when necessary.

I make an effort to accept speaking requests and podcast invitations, as they offer an excellent opportunity to connect with a broader community. If the request is too demanding, I respectfully decline.

In 2024, I was eager to tackle the challenge of overwhelming DMs and made significant strides.If I don't get back to you in a week, then I must have missed the DM. Bump it up on my inbox (WhatsApp/LinkedIn/Email/Slack) and I don't check my other inboxes like Twitter/Insta/Google Pay (yup Google pay inbox is real) 🤪

You can steal this system for keeping your 2024 calendar sane as well. What would you add more to this?

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