In the ever-evolving landscape of work, the terms "job" and "career" are often used interchangeably. However, there is a significant distinction between the two. Research shows that among working professionals, only 2% have what we call a "career," while the remaining 98% have "jobs." This statistic is quite thought-provoking. If you're equally curious to determine whether you have a career or a job, answer these 10 questions in Yes/No format and find out.
Do you struggle to get out of bed every day to go to work?
Are you captivated by every shiny object that emerges in the industry and you want to move to this new area?
Do you know what you want to do or which area you want to focus on for the next three decades?
If you didn't have to pay EMIs, school fees, or car loans every month, would you still continue in your current workplace?
Do you eagerly await the clock striking five or six to leave work?
Do you ponder the problems you're solving at work and generate ideas on weekends?
Do you wait for the next set of tasks, or do you know what you should be picking up and driving forward?
Do you care about your growth beyond just your bank balance and job titles?
Do you stay current with trends, hype cycles, patents, thought leadership, and more in your field?
Do you make time to learn about new developments in your field beyond your regular office work?