Life is happening now in full force and my human nature series that I planned to write went for a toss.
Not to worry, I promise to release a guide or masterclass on Human Nature by Nov end just for you folks.
The mission is to make you empathise with the nature of the beast so that you will beat yourself up a little less and you will have empathy for who you are. Awareness gives you acceptance and acceptance changes your action and action changes the trajectory of your life.
All initiatives of Maker’s guild is towards belonging and betterment. This one will surely make you better as a sapien, I guarantee.
A better human can be a better designer and a better product person. If you want to change the world or make a difference, you must understand the core of human systems because 95% of all work you do is with or human beings including you in that mix.
I was asked to write a book on human nature and I have been slacking all these years. At least a guide will keep me a little guilt free in 2023 😜
I usually don’t give these updates but human connection is all about being authentic and vulnerable. Let’s roll.
This entire month has been crazy. I decided to hang my boots in Microsoft. Little did I know about the compete clause which made my last day as the same day I put down the papers. More on where next soon.
I thought I will have some time in my notice period while transitioning, saying goodbyes one after the other. But looks like that is so not the case. My good byes were accelerated. My exit was on the same day. Gosh! I didn’t even finish submitting my medical claims and LTA stuff. What a pain! 🥹
My biggest learning is, prepare yourself to exit and especially when you go to a compete make sure you have done enough ground work in terms of your bill submissions/documents for your team etc before sending that formal resignation email 😜
It was truly an emotional week for me and for all the amazing relationships I have built over 18 months in Microsoft. I am so glad we have social media and it made my life super simple to let the world know in one click. I felt complete with the good byes I could say in that little time I had.
For the first time, I truly felt like a row in a spreadsheet in my bones 😝 It certainly was a roller coaster ride for a week emotionally and mentally. It felt like every came crashing down. But rationally I know that is not the case so I cared for myself better in this period. I turned a hard time into a productive one by starting all the #pifo related work.
Announced design for non-designers cohort at the same time. We thought we will stop at 50 but it has gone up to 87 as of today morning. I didn’t know how to react to this joy but preparing myself up for giving my best.
I also have a Design Principles for product managers talk this weekend. Above all this week we are starting sprint 3 for Sensibowlers and it is all about exercise. I have a lecture on Sunday morning. After all this I am travelling to Coimbatore the same evening. What a busy week it has become!
I am not saying all this to give you reason why I am not writing the series but just to give you a glimpse that when life happens it happens in full force. Go with the flow of life. Adapt as much as you can. Be ok with the loss of productivity for a few days. A few plans will be destructed and that is ok. When life happens to you allow it. Don’t get in the way.
Keep living at your highest potential every single day is all that you can do in your locus of control. Just do that. The rest flows.
One last thing, in all this I lost about 20 pounds in the past 8 weeks and I am super happy with the progress. miles to go but milestones are great.
🥂to life!