“Karthi, I love everything you write but I can’t read them all yo! They are longish.” 🤓
Blessed to have such honest friends who give feedback on my face. That comment made me think 🤔
The information overload is real. With visual and video mediums around, reading and processing long verbal stuff without much visuals attached is hard. Especially reading intense reflections and learnings from a lived experience is harder. It is a zip file which needs a double click on every sentence. I empathise with the readers perspective.
From a writers perspective, without writing it everyday, there is no collection. Earlier I will stop myself from writing when I get one feedback. But this time, I am not going to stop writing as it is one more piece on the feed for the reader but for the writer it is their only piece for the day.
We have very few original writers anyways. Most pieces on my feed are old wine resurfaced, old wine in a new package or regurgitated pieces by Ai. While it is hard to keep at things on a daily basis, I have also gotten feedback that the daily writings help many designers and leaders in the fraternity.
It takes a lot of courage to get/give feedback, process them and continue to do what makes sense.
The writing will continue. May be instead of 7 long pieces it can become 3 long and 4 short ones 😉 Compounding compounds only when you keep at it and adapt based on signals🫶
In any journey, you will face questions/doubts/imposters/feedbacks/reflections multiple times. Here is one quote by Bruce Lee that keeps me sane till date.
Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, and add what is uniquely your own.
🥂to consistency and compounding!