A constant question that comes up in Makers Guild: how to remember everything I read/listen/watch?
Going back to core, remembering is not the goal of any ingestion, understanding is.
Even if you worked hard with spaced repetition , mnemonic rhymes, chunking information, visualization techniques and encoded all the information into your long term memory, it is useless if you don’t apply the big ideas that you ingested from all this hardwork in to actual life. It is impossible to apply big ideas when the understanding is not spot on.
Now the question comes, how do I keep a track of all the big ideas that I have ingested so far and that is a fair question. There are multiple ways to keep it.
I go to method is maintaining my own Zettlekasten. You can create your own brain vault in the form of notes. It is ok if there are not interconnected for starters.
Apps like roam research or obsidian or Notion enables to keep these notes with backlinks intact. It takes work to put in the notes but looking at these big ideas repeatedly helps in connecting dots better.
If you are a creator then a zettlekasten is a must. It helps you create better.
So read/listen/watch for living and not for remembering.
Our brains are a lousy storage mechanism but a powerful processing mechnism. Use the right tool for the right purpose. Your notes could be your Time Machine.