The core job of a designer is just to design. Wrong.
The core job of the designer is value management if you look closely.
The designer must understand the real problem, gather all information around the problem, synthesise the insights, ideate and come up with many ideas (both red ocean and the blue ocean), translate the imagination into a tangible execution, go through several fidelities to ensure the solution is executable and finally facilitate the teams to understand what has happened inside you and why. When they understand they will appreciate.
If they have a personal bias and a visceral expectation they will reject all the above work. You must go back to the drawing board and iterate again. This process continues till it is nailed.
In this entire process, the designer also doesn’t know everything but has the courage to venture into the unknown terrain and discover as he/she moves forward. Sometimes there is help from other teams but many times they also don’t know any details about the stuff you are working on.
Some have empathy for what you go through and that is called org Ux maturity some don’t. They may just come and exclaim, to do this you took all the time is it? This is already known to us, what is new in this? this is only a template, who will do the rest of the work? this is done by our competition, what are we innovating now?
Hang in there my friend !